
Juletones is a Florida based experimental fashion brand focused on bringing unique designs, colors, and textures into everyday life.

Personal Background

Since its conception in November 2020, Juletones has been my creative outlet to pursue fine art.

In 2018, I graduated with a B.F.A. in Graphic Design and Emerging Media from the University of Central Florida. Although I learned more than I ever anticipated in 4 years of school, I felt somewhat lost when it came to using my knowledge to support my true passions.

Since childhood, art has been at the core of my identity. Growing up, I liked to draw, paint, sculpt, and try any artistic medium I could get my hands on. I especially loved drawing clothes because I would always imagine things I could never find in stores.

At the time, there was no worry about if my art was accomplishing anything. I just did it because it was fun to try new things - blissfully unaware of the dichotomy between design and fine art.

When I started my degree courses, I quickly began to feel somewhat out of place. 'Making pretty things just because' was essentially the antithesis of everything you learn as a graphic designer. In design school, they teach you that every decision you make must have a reason. I wasn't necessarily turned off by this, at times, I enjoyed how pragmatic and structured graphic design was. It's actually quite tricky to make something with zero constraints.

After a while, I still felt like something was missing. Most of my classmates dreamed about designing for large well-known companies and all I wanted to do was create tangible goods and sell them as 'fine artists' do.

By the time I was in my final design courses, 'fine art' began to seem like a totally separate entity that undeservingly took on the connotation of 'pretty, but what's the point?' The fine artist in me resented that a bit, but as a designer, I couldn't deny the validity of form supporting function.

Caught between two worlds and still not quite knowing what path to take, I put my best foot forward working as a graphic designer for a company where I mostly made templated brochures, site maps and updated online collateral. On weekends, I would try to keep the creative fire burning by taking commissions for custom-made and dyed clothing.

Finally, I found the thing that not only brought me joy, but was praised and loved by family, friends, and peers, which truly felt rewarding.

Slowly but surely, I made it my mission to figure out how I would marry the contrasting principles of design with something as "free-spirited" as fabric dyeing.

Making my brand was the perfect way to incorporate these two worlds. Contrary to what I was previously told, my design capabilities only elevated my fine art and my fine art gave me a reason to use the strategies and principles I'd spent years learning in school.

I started to draw inspiration from numerous sources ranging from swiss design, art nouveau, music festivals, psychology, alternative and vintage fashion, industrial design, and internet culture - just to name a few.

Then, Juletones was born.

Now, through my brand, I hope to not only create clothes as unique and special as their wearer but also to influence others to manifest their ideas into reality, to create with purpose or lack thereof...

To do anything beyond the ordinary is an amazing thing!

With love and sincerity,
